Hourly Comic Day 2025The annual auto-bio comic challenge, where you draw a comic panel for every hour you are awake!Feb 2Feb 2
This Is Not A GameThese #coronatimes are hard in so many different ways for different people. The pain is turned up on serious #systemicissues, and seeing…Aug 6, 2021Aug 6, 2021
Published inHuman PartsFriend ShipsA comic about the weird strain that Covid-19 and lockdown isolation have put our friendshipsAug 6, 20212Aug 6, 20212
Sex SellsSex Sells. This is a fantasy comic about what I would do if I was in charge of the ad campaigns for encouraging covid vaccinations in…Aug 6, 2021Aug 6, 2021
Umwelt. A comic about sitting in the park amidst big life changes, watching pollen clouds and…Apr 25, 20211Apr 25, 20211